As you can see, I really haven't been great about updating this blog. Between being busy, being sick (for 3 weeks) and everything else, it became clear that I was really struggling and no desire or energy to move forward. The fact is, I lacked (and still lack) motivation.
I wish there were a magical cure for this. A way to find motivation would be incredible right now. In fact, just the other day, I saw a question, similar to this: If you found a magic lamp with a Genie and were only given one wish, instead of three like Aladdin, what would you wish for? One of my answers was motivation.
As I started feeling better, there was very little energy to get things done and as I started getting energy, there was very little desire to much, for fear of overdoing it and going back to being blah. I have seen a little bit of improvement and have done a few things, but this had made me realize how important being motivated is in dealing with any health condition or situation.
From what is written above, I am not an expert on this subject at all. In fact, I could use some help brainstorming and discussing ideas and ways to get or remain motivated, especially when they are struggling with lack of hope or helplessness or the struggles involved with chronic health condition, in all realms: physical, mental, social, and emotional.
Please comment below or leave a me a message or comment somewhere. I will try to share the compilation of ideas so that we can all get the help we need on this subject. Thank you in advance. :)